Information: To reset a forgotten or expired password please fill one of the following forms.

FORM#1: Password change form (works also with expired passwords)
Old password:
New password:
Required password strength check : - password must be at least 8 characters long
- password must contain at least one uppercase letter
- password must contain at least one lowercase letter
- password must contain at least one digit (number)
- password must contain at least one special sign (e.g. @,!)
- new password is not the same as old
New password (repeat):
  - new password matches repeated new password
Code from image ([Token])
Clear form
FORM#2: Lost or expired password change form ( students ONLY )
Customer number 1:
Date of birth (format: YYYY-MM-DD) :
PESEL (or passport number, if no PESEL assigned) :
Father`s name:
New password:
Required password strength check : - password must be at least 8 characters long
- password must contain at least one uppercase letter
- password must contain at least one lowercase letter
- password must contain at least one digit (number)
- password must contain at least one special sign (e.g. @,!)
New password (repeat):
  - new password matches repeated new password
Code from image ([Token])
Clear form
1 Customer number - number on the Students ID Card as shown on the image below (with no blanks):

[Wzór legitymacji] [Wzór legitymacji]